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Photoshop on models

Sister Amber Nov 2, 2010

I hear all the time that someone would like the makeup from a photoshoot that they see. That is great, and photoshoots are great way to get inspiration for makeup looks and to start to practice makeup skills. The thing that people do not realize is the huge amount of image editing that is done on photoshop to make these models look great. Makeup is awesome and you can do some stunning things with it, but there is still so much you can do even with the greatest makeup skills.

I found a website I would like to share of some great photography, and if you roll over the images it will show you the pre photoshop and the image that you see is the post photoshop. Hopefully this will help to show you that the glowing skin that you see is not actually the makeup, it is the photoshop creating an ACTUAL glow to the skin

Just a thought, dont get discouraged if you do not look like these girls with makeup alone!


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