Hello! My name is Amber, or Sister Amber on the internet and I am a 22 year old makeup junkie! I used to do makeup for theater, and now I just do it for whoever asks me for help
Since I am so passionate about makeup, and I have been exposed to it for so long I feel like I know just a bit of tips and tricks that I can share. I might do reviews, I might do makeup looks. Who knows! I am just starting this thing out, and I hope that you all will be compassionate and understanding...and we can learn from eachother!
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Behind the Keyboard
- Sister Amber
- I am a 22 year old college student and ex-theater makeup designer / wanna be makeup artist / makeup and beauty junkie!
I am going to try to share some beauty tips and tricks that have helped me along the way and hopefully will help you!
For any questions,suggestions, or anything else you can think of PLEASE email me at sisteramberbeatuy@gmail.com!